Calling Conversations Over A Beer

2025 marks my 11th year in congregational ministry, and I couldn’t be more thankful for all the voices, both good and bad, that have brought me here. Now, I have the opportunity to do the same—to be that affirming presence for someone, to tell them they belong and that their perspective and voice are needed.

Featured Podcast

Soul Connection

“Soul Connection,” a three-episode podcast produced and hosted by GFM intern Rev.
Delaney Metcalf, offers short interviews with experienced chaplains who share their
wisdom and experience.

Each of the three episodes asks a different but essential question about the ministry of

Featured Book

Standing Up to Hate

Michael Cheuk, editor

This book gathers firsthand accounts of clergy in Charlottesville, Virginia, who recall their experience in resisting white supremacist violence during that “summer of hate” and seeking to repair the damage in the following months and years. Here is what happened as we remember it, and here is how August 11 and 12, 2017, changed us and our congregations forever.

Cover of the July-August 2020 Nurturing Faith Journal

Job Openings

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$1 per word, with publication only on the job openings page for 60 days or $2 per word, with publication in the next Nurturing Faith Journal edition and for 60 days on the site. Group/bulk subscribers to NFJ can receive one free job posting per journal edition.