What metaphors communicate clearly what a healthy church or minister is like?
There are many of them, but the one that I keep returning to is that of the garden.

As a gardener who finds personal renewal and energy in the rhythm and mystery of gardening and landscaping, I am drawn to this mindset as I engage congregations and clergy.

I come from a long line of gardeners and ministers, and find the overlap more than coincidence.

The garden is a powerful biblical theme that resonates deeply with me and with the way I approach ministry.

I want to explore some of the ways I believe this metaphor is critical to the future of all of us.

From beginning – “The Lord planted a garden in Eden, in the east; and there he put the man whom he formed” (Genesis 2:8) – to end – “On either side of the river is the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, producing its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations” (Revelation 22:2) – the Bible speaks of gardens, gardeners and growing things.

Jesus taught many lessons involving plants, growth, agriculture and gardening. He invoked images of fig trees, soils, sowers, seeds, fruit, mustard seeds and vineyards to drive home his teachings.

There are profound implications for us from the world of gardens, gardeners and plants as we seek to bring hope, help and healing to churches and clergy in the spirit of Christ.

First, the power of the seasons is never far from the mind of the gardener.

At the heart of any issue or project in the garden lies a central question: What season is it? No season is unimportant, and each season is indispensible for a healthy garden.

We are currently enjoying the new life of spring after an especially intense winter. The wise gardener knows that spring will soon fade into summer and prepares accordingly.

Understanding the life cycle of a garden is critical to creating and sustaining a healthy growing environment.

In churches, our lack of understanding of life cycles and seasons may blind us to deeper causes than what the prevailing symptoms may suggest.

Congregational life cycles are undeniable. Proactive renewal and re-imagining take place when leadership recognizes the need for innovation and a fresh vision for ministry.

Just as a gardener knows the symptoms of decline, decay, renewal and new growth in the garden, so too the congregation leader keeps one eye on today and one eye on tomorrow.

Healthy churches know to anticipate and plan for what is coming, not to simply live in the moment.

Second, healthy soil is a prerequisite to healthy plants.

Gardeners spend much energy and expense amending and improving the soil of their gardens. Doing so creates an environment conducive to vibrant growth.

Plants and gardens need food to survive. Light, water, nourishment and nutrients combine to provide the building blocks of growth for a plant or garden.

Churches that thrive are constantly seeking ways to feed spiritual truth and insight to people.

Using a wide array of learning vehicles, combined with sensitivity to learning styles, they constantly innovate and create rich learning and growth opportunities for their community.

Healthy churches know that sustainable Christians and churches require deep, rich soil.

The parable of the sower in Matthew 13 reminds us of the folly of expecting rocky or shallow soil to produce mature believers.

Many churches need to consider what it would look like to think about going “deeper” and not simply “wider” in their approach to ministry.

Finally, context matters.

Plants that may thrive in a rainforest die quickly in the desert, and vice versa. Each plant adapts to its environment and either finds a way to survive and thrive, or it must be moved to a setting more aligned with its DNA.

The wise gardener knows to pay attention to climate zones, sun and shade tolerance, water requirements and other related factors.

While some aspects of gardening are transferable to any setting, most gardens must be custom-designed to their context.

Healthy churches are students of their setting and context. They understand that their unique location and culture is a defining component of their ministry. Ignoring it is inviting disaster.

Ministry has common components no matter where it takes place.

However, there are methods and approaches that are germane to your city, county, neighborhood or region that differentiate you from all other congregations.

Learning those distinctives and deliberately building a congregation that is congruent with them is essential for long-term health.

Bill Wilson is president of the Center for Healthy Churches in Clemmons, N.C. You can follow him on Twitter: @BillWilson1028 and the center: @ChurchHealthy.

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