Next weekend former students of the late LSU campus minister Frank Horton will return to Baton Rouge to celebrate his influential life. His son-in-law Bob Guffey (pastor of First Baptist Church of Conway, S.C.) describes the event as an “ultimate reunion.”

More than 80 persons have indicated their plans to attend a Sunday memorial service honoring the man who shaped their young lives. Frank, who died June 18 at age 80, served students in Mississippi and Texas before his 22-year tenure at LSU.

For more on the events honoring Frank Horton, visit this FaceBook page.

Walking past the Baptist Student Center at Georgia Tech on Thursday night (en route to Bobby Dodd Stadium at Grant Field), I wondered once again just how many, many lives have been positively impacted by Baptist Student Union/Baptist Campus Ministry on various campuses over the years.

I will always be grateful for the impact of BSU on my own life as a student and for the privilege of serving as campus minister at Georgia Tech following 11 wonderful years on the campuses of Southern Tech and Kennesaw State.

Only God knows the impact these campus ministries have made through the years.

[Photo of longtime LSU campus minister Frank Horton]

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