Are we tired of snow yet? It’s as beautiful as icing on a cake, but — not unlike fluffy buttercream frosting — it’s possible to have too much of a good thing, even for Southerners who rarely see the stuff. 

I made the mistake of venturing out for some paraffin oil late this morning, just in case the power goes out. It took an hour to drive the six miles back home, and I felt lucky to make it as quickly as I did. 

The store was out of lamp oil, as I should have expected. 

With a heavy coating of sleet and freezing rain in the forecast, we decided to shovel the four inches of powder covering the driveway, but it was like painting the Golden Gate Bridge — by the time we finished, it was time to start again. 

At least the axles should clear the next time we go out … hopefully before next week. 

Inconvenience aside, the pouring snow remains a gift. The amazing view from our bay window is a distraction to writing Bible studies, but not insurmountable.

Hot chocolate and soup never taste quite so good as when enjoyed against a background blanket of white. 

Snow happens: we may as well enjoy it.

Best wishes to all for steady warmth and dependable power to see you through the storm. 

Sounds suspiciously like a metaphor, doesn’t it?

Apply at will.

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