- National Park Service Announces $14 Million in Grants to Preserve African American Civil Rights (Charleston Chronicle)
- Ongoing Religious Services Spark Debate Over Faith Verses Safety (ABC News)
- 7 Local Churches in Wisconsin Join Forces to Livestream Good Friday Worship Service (Channel 3000)
- Pastor of Kentucky Church Holding ‘Drive in’ Service Tests Positive for COVID-19 (WSAZ3)
- Larger Churches Urged to Help Smaller Ones Survive During Pandemic (RNS)
- Why Trump is Reliant on White Evangelicals (Brookings Institute)
- Franklin Graham Tells Judge Jeannine that Pandemic Happened Because World ‘Turned its Back on God’ (Salon)
- U.S. will Give Terrorist Label to White Supremacist Group for First Time (New York Times)
- South America: How Evangelicals in Brazil are Spinning COVID-19 (Deutsche Welle)