- A Brief History of Passover, Which Honors Resilience Amid Adversity (National Geographic)
- Kentucky Church Lights Up Green to Show Compassion for Health Care Workers (Fox News)
- A ‘Liberty’ Rebellion in Idaho Threatens to Undermine Coronavirus Orders (New York Times)
- Black Americans Face Alarming Rates of Coronavirus Infection in Some States (New York Times)
- Landlord Changes Locks After California Pastor Vows to Continue Church Services Amid Coronavirus Pandemic (Newsweek)
- Southwestern Seminary’s Dead Sea Scrolls ‘Likely Fraudulent’ (Baptist Standard)
- Southwestern Seminary Ends Largest Evangelical Archaeology Program (Christianity Today)
- Australia: Cardinal Pell’s Acquittal was as Opaque as His Sexual Abuse Trial (New York Times)
- Middle East: Turkey’s State Religious Body Undermines Anti-Coronavirus Efforts (Al-Monitor)