- Speaking to Evangelical Leaders, Trump Entertains Notion He Could Lose to Clinton (Washington Post)
- Trump Predicts Winning the Presidency Will Get Him into Heaven (Politico)
- Pro-Trump Evangelical Outreach Stalled by Uneasy Donors (Bloomberg)
- Hillary Clinton: What I Have in Common With Utah Leaders – Religious Freedom and the Constitution (Deseret News)
- ‘Rev. Kaine’ Talks Faith, Principles at Baptist Convention (Washington Post)
- Democratic VP Candidate Calls Voting a ‘Sacred Act’ (KLFY)
- Baltimore Neighborhood, Church at Odds Over Zumba Class (WBAL-TV)
- The Bible Grows a Gardener’s Faith (Pittsburgh Press-Republican)
- Controversial Mars Hill Pastor Starts New Church in Arizona (12News)
- California Lawmaker Drops Controversial Proposal to Regulate Religious Colleges (Christianity Today)