1. We Can No Longer Ignore Trump’s Role in Inspiring Mass Shootings (The Intercept)
  2. Conservative Christian Writer: God Allows Mass Shootings So We’ll ‘Return to Him in Prayer’ (Patheos)
  3. El Paso Shooter Authored Manifesto Espousing ‘White Nationalist and Racist Views’ (CNN)
  4. Walmart Shooter Allegedly Penned White Supremacist Rant in ‘Bible of Evil’ (El Paso Times)
  5. The Rhetoric and Reality of Donald Trump’s Racism (The New Yorker)
  6. Is There Room for Anyone But White Men in the Republican Party? (The Atlantic)
  7. The Corrosive and Malignant Danger of Remaining Silent About Racism (Sojourner)
  8. Anti-Islamic Tweets Further Imperil Mainstream New Jersey Republicans (Politico)
  9. Republican Bashes ‘Christians Against Christian Nationalism’ (GOPUSA)
  10. I Prefer ‘Non-Religious’: Why So Few US Politicians Come Out as Atheists (The Guardian)
  11. World Vision Helped Evangelicals Become Social Activists – Within Limits (Christianity Today)
  12. A Liberal Baptist Church Will Close its Doors and Give $1 Million to Nonprofits (Washington Post)
  13. Southern Baptist Church Sues Dekalb City Over Plans for Mega-Complex (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
  14. Why Evangelical Seminarians are Studying Art (Dallas Morning News)
  15. Middle East: Saudi Arabia Allows Women to Travel Without a Male Guardian (New York Times)
  16. Europe: Unrest Feared as Poland Catholic Church Doubles Down on Anti-Gay Rhetoric (NBC News)
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