Australian Baptists launched a new national name and logo, signaling a renewed commitment to evangelism, mission and ministry around the nation and the world.


The three-circle logo replaces the traditional green-and-gold image, and the movement will be known as Australian Baptist Ministries. The Baptist Union of Australia (BUA) will remain the legal name.


In announcing the new logo, BUA President John Beasy said the three-circle concept pointed to a number of significant aspects of Australian Baptist life.


“The circle of God’s love is our motive for service. The circle of relationships is the heart of our ministry. The circle of the world is the context for our work,” he said.


“The Triune God is our source and guide and goal. We confess one Lord, one faith, one baptism. We are driven by the call to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God. We are inspired by faith, hope and love. We are devoted to Jesus in body, mind and spirit.


“We are a movement embracing change with imagination, releasing potential through teamwork, shaped by faithfulness to Scripture, drawn together as a distinctive community following Jesus. We celebrate our unity in diversity, and the qualities that shape us – past, present and future. 


“The natural colors indicate our place as stewards of an ancient continent, whose ministries take root as we sow the gospel seed in the good Australian soil.


“This year marks the 400th anniversary of the beginnings of the Baptist movement,” Beasy said. “Baptists have ministered in Australia for more than 178 years. We are known as Bible-believing followers of Jesus.


“As we honor our heritage and contend for the faith that the Lord once for all entrusted to us, we need to prepare for the challenges and opportunities that lie before us. Our heart is to be an active learning community, repositioning our Baptist movement for the future, developing and empowering younger leaders and resourcing the next generation to follow Jesus.”

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