by Arthur Brown | Jul 19, 2018 | Opinion
What motivates us, as Christians, to share our faith with others of a different faith? What hinders us from doing so? I explored these questions in my previous column. Now, let’s consider, how might we witness to Muslims in what might be described as an ethical way?...
by Arthur Brown | Jul 18, 2018 | Opinion
What motivates us, as Christians, to share our faith with others of a different faith? What hinders us from doing so? What might enable us to not only be more confident in sharing our faith, but also allow for more likelihood of a positive response from those we share...
by Arthur Brown | Aug 3, 2017 | Opinion
Fear, it seems to me, has always been a dominant force – perhaps one of the most powerful motivating factors in many of our attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. Even for those of us professing faith in Christ – whose love we are told “drives out...
by Arthur Brown | Mar 24, 2016 | Opinion
What do you believe? How do you decide what you believe? Is it because you read it somewhere, someone you know and trust told it to you, or you witnessed or experienced something that led you to draw a particular conclusion? And, how do you determine the...
by Arthur Brown | Jul 29, 2015 | Opinion
There is no shortage of fear in this world, and of course no shortage of things to be fearful of. Given recent comments by a well-known U.S. evangelical Christian leader, Franklin Graham, concerning his views on Islam and Muslims – and how he feels his country...