by Carol Ann Vaughn | Mar 29, 2002 | Opinion
Transformational leadership does not see results overnight. This may be one of the most frustrating aspects of any activism. How does one remain optimistically focused on a goal in the face of strongly rooted obstacles and unanticipated challenges? In her books...
by Carol Ann Vaughn | Mar 4, 2002 | Opinion
“It won’t make a difference.” “You can’t change the system.” “That’s just the way things are.” Have you ever heard these words? Have you ever uttered these words? Have you ever heard these words? Have you ever...
by Carol Ann Vaughn | Feb 1, 2002 | Opinion
The majority of Americans who attend church and are involved in Christian discipleship are women. The majority of Americans most likely to engage in daily devotions, to pray and to read the Bible are women. Yet some of us are surprised by leadership statistics about...
by Carol Ann Vaughn | Sep 20, 2000 | Opinion
The issue of women’s roles, now a non-issue for American Baptists, remained a hot topic among Southern Baptists, Independent Baptists and National Baptists in the 1990s. Out of the SBC controversies of the 1980s, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship formed in...
by Carol Ann Vaughn | Sep 12, 2000 | Opinion
One year after the SBC revised its “Baptist Faith and Message” in 1963, Addie Davis became the first Southern Baptist woman to be ordained to the ministry. Seven years passed before another SBC church ordained a woman minister, Shirley Carter. Numerous SBC...