To the Father’s House

At the association pastors’ prayer breakfast this morning, Deputy Sheriff/Pastor Eddie reported on the recent theft of the SUV owned by a fellow pastor. The account went like this. Pastor Melvin stopped at a gas station to buy a newspaper and a cup of coffee on...

Baptist Obesity

The table was laden with sausage, fried bologna, bacon, from scratch biscuits, flour gravy, cheese grits, scrambled eggs, assorted jellies and jams and slices of cantaloupe. The hot topic of the day was the news of a sociological study by Dr. Ken Ferraro of Purdue...

Drought and Blessing

Recent showers will make it possible for us to mow the yard again this weekend. And the hayfield out by the county hospital has been cut for the second crop of hay this summer. Usually, a third cutting has already been bailed and put in the barn. It will not produce...

Dancy’s Rededication

The marquee sign at Dancy First Baptist Church read this past Sunday, “God has blessed our church.” Since early February the sign had read, “Forgive them. They know not what they do.” More than 250 persons gathered at the church to worship and...

A Theology of Local Politics

The yellows, blues, whites, pinks and purples of the wild flowers along the roads and byways of our county have been augmented this spring by hundreds of political signs entreating us to vote for certain of our neighbors and friends seeking public office. It is...