Advent Lectionary | Giving Voice to the Wilderness

Advent Lectionary | Giving Voice to the Wilderness

The legendary Sandy Ray once preached of the nature of the prophetic and that it’s not so much there’s a voice crying in the wilderness, as it is that “the wilderness needs a voice.” Wild is a pretty apt description of what has been taking place in our nation and...
When Pastors Go Through Seasons of Doubt

When Pastors Go Through Seasons of Doubt

Pastors go through seasons of doubt. Sometimes, they’re long. You doubt yourself, the world, the future and even God. Maybe it’s wrong to admit this publicly, but this is reality. Pastors aren’t immune to being impacted by what we’re asked to...
Why Amnesia Is No Virtue and Nostalgia Is No Use

Why Amnesia Is No Virtue and Nostalgia Is No Use

Bodily autonomy’s centrality to the existence of liberty is genetically encoded in my memory, in my very being. I reflect on a profound irony of two starkly contrasting events that took place in the same week. A son of Texas, a descendant of former slaves finally...