Lady Wisdom Takes The Scenic Route

Lady Wisdom Takes The Scenic Route

Editor’s Note: Good Faith Media recently attended the International Baptist Theological Studies Centre’s (IBTS) annual research colloquium in Amsterdam. A longstanding IBTS tradition is for the entire research community to gather for dinner on Thursday night of...
Would Jesus Invest In Our Planet?

Would Jesus Invest In Our Planet?

The theme of Earth Day 2023 is using business language – “Invest In Our Planet” – to promote sustainable development and care for Earth. When I first found out about this theme, my mind immediately constructed different reasons why the business language here is not a...
Resolutions Are Only Revolutionary If Implemented

Resolutions Are Only Revolutionary If Implemented

Oct. 8, 2021, marked for around 1,100 civil society organizations a success long battled for. For years, the activists of these organizations have been campaigning for an understanding that every human being should have a right to live in a safe, clean, healthy and...
How Integration Unveils God’s Relational Character

How Integration Unveils God’s Relational Character

One of the key concepts of climate change mitigation is integration. Documents produced by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UNIPCC) consider integration as an assumption for ecological renewal. And rightly so. In these documents,...