by Jeff Woods | Apr 29, 2004 | Opinion
Is a clergyperson a professional? The answer to that depends upon who is talking and the criteria used to decide. Approaching the question from the angle of “standards” yields an affirmative response. Most clergy strive for very high standards in both...
by Jeff Woods | Mar 24, 2004 | Opinion
While sipping coffee at the local coffee shop one morning, a fellow patron asked, “What do you do?” I explained that I was an executive minister for a middle judicatory and that I served as a resource person to various congregations throughout Ohio. I told...
by Jeff Woods | Mar 2, 2004 | Opinion
The American Baptist Churches, U.S.A., are currently involved in a project called, “Seek It–Finding God’s Way for a New Day” for the purpose of developing an over-arching vision for the denomination. The tool being used to accomplish this task...
by Jeff Woods | Jan 27, 2004 | Opinion
Very few roles allow someone to operate solely as a leader or a manager. Most job descriptions include aspects of both leadership and management. Leaders direct the inputs of an organization while managers direct the outputs. Very few roles, however, deal with one or...
by Jeff Woods | Jan 5, 2004 | Opinion
Are you more of a leader or a manager? In reality, anyone who is responsible for getting things done in organizations must employ both leadership and management tasks in order to maintain effectiveness. Are you more of a leader or a manager? In reality, anyone who is...