by John Rackley | Aug 25, 2015 | Opinion
It is not always easy for churches to start questioning their life together. Often what is happening is important and might have strong support. The decision of whether or not to review what has been going on is sometimes painful. On the other hand, sometimes it has...
by John Rackley | Sep 28, 2012 | Opinion
A new production of “Jesus Christ Superstar” opened in London this month to the delight of composer Andrew Lloyd Webber, who told the opening night audience that he had waited 42 years for this. Hugging his “latest” Jesus fashioned by the votes...
by John Rackley | Feb 12, 2009 | Opinion
Jesus said: you have ears; use them! Mark 4:9 Do we really want to listen to the world? The idea is that when we listen to what the world is saying we will be better able to communicate the Gospel. Now I know he does not represent the world, but I wonder whether we...
by John Rackley | Apr 6, 2007 | Opinion
Ronald Rolheiser tells this story. Once upon a time there was a town that was built just beyond the bend of a large river. One day some of the children from the town were playing beside the river when they noticed three bodies floating in it. They ran for help and the...
by John Rackley | Jul 15, 2005 | Opinion
The results of the G8 conversations in Scotland are emerging. The outcome for the poor in our world and especially the continent of Africa is crucial. But after all the decisions have been made and the statements read, will the poor still be with us? There is a story...