Church Isn’t the Place to Avoid Hard Questions

Do you like questions? I question how much I like questions. Sure, for someone like me who likes to have a good discussion or debate, questions are a powerful tool. They can innocently be used to obtain new information or they can be used coyly to try and trap someone...

You Have an Invitation to Join Slow Club

If you were to drop by my house on a morning when we’re trying to get all five members of our family out the door, you would be likely to hear a variety of phrases: “Let’s go!” “Hurry up!” “I already told you to put your shoes...

5 Lessons Your Church Can Learn from AA

One of my former youth approached me in the fall of 2010 and said, “Hey, I’ve been thinking I need to get into a program or something.” McKenna was 19 at the time. We had never discussed his drug and alcohol use previously, but it wasn’t a...