by Mark Wingfield | Aug 21, 2003 | News
In his first public comments on the plight of Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, Richard Land said Aug. 18 he is troubled by the Southern Baptist judge’s open defiance of a federal court ruling. Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics...
by Mark Wingfield | Jul 8, 2003 | News
What it means to be a “partner” ministry with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship–and how much financial dependence that title implies—have become front-burner issues for the moderate group. The CBF currently devotes 28 percent of its budget to fund...
by Mark Wingfield | Jun 30, 2003 | News
Gifts of $9 million from an anonymous donor will enable the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship to continue to appoint new missionaries next year despite budget shortfalls. Participants in last week’s CBF General Assembly approved a basic budget of $17.1 million for...
by Mark Wingfield | May 12, 2003 | News
FRAMINGHAM, Mass.–The Southern Baptist Convention’s International Mission Board has terminated 13 missionaries who refused to affirm the 2000 Baptist Faith & Message. It is thought to be the largest group of SBC missionaries ever fired at once. Meeting...
by Mark Wingfield | Oct 8, 2002 | Opinion
Before he entered Howard Payne University, Matthew Winn struggled between pursuing a business career or entering vocational ministry. He chose the business route and achieved success as an accountant, chief financial officer, vice president of operations and senior...