Advent Lectionary | The Embodied Christ

Advent Lectionary | The Embodied Christ

The story of the embodied Christ in the Gospel of Matthew begins with controversy. Mary is found to be with child before she is married, something that in the first century world would have been not only scandalous, but life-ending for Mary. Joseph, rather than taking...
Lenten Lectionary | Wilderness Living

Lenten Lectionary | Wilderness Living

I heard a horn honk from behind. I turned the car on and moved up the six feet. We were inching closer to getting swabbed again. This site was giving rapid tests and by the time you finished the winding journey down the street, in front of the urgent care and to the...
Why I’m Giving Up the Hustle for Lent

Why I’m Giving Up the Hustle for Lent

Everything in our capitalistic, consumer-driven culture is telling us to do more and be more. According to Yahoo Finance, nearly half of Americans have a side hustle. People aren’t taking these side hustles in order to get ahead. Rather, they are essential just to...