When Pastors Must Balance Between Good Cop, Bad Cop

Parents play different roles at times in most families. Some call it “good cop, bad cop,” which I suppose is just another way of describing “grace and justice.” In my family, the roles were pretty well prescribed. My mother was nearly always...

Here’s What Really Made Those Wise Men Wise

It’s funny that they have come to be known as the wise men. In the biblical accounts, they were referred to as “magi,” and for the Jewish audience of the first century this was not, by any stretch of the imagination, to be considered as...

Sharing Gospel of Compassion with Louisiana’s Poor

I spent a day recently with Baptist missionary Jenny Hodge at the Together For Hope ministries in Lake Providence, Louisiana, one of the poorest places in the U.S. It was an eye-opening experience, which began as I drove up. There was a man working in the mission...

Language Provides Lens for Social Analysis

I attended the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts several years ago, and the professor of my screenplay-writing class took pains to warn me about it ahead of time. Knowing that I was a minister attending the course to study the comparisons...