by Mitch Carnell | Jun 12, 2024 | Feature-, Opinion
Editor’s Note: The Southern Baptist Convention is meeting this week in Indianapolis and the subject of women in ministry is, once again, on the table. A version of the following reflection appeared at on June 11, 2018. The author, Mitch Carnell, passed...
by Mitch Carnell | Oct 21, 2022 | Opinion
The Black Lives Matter movement caused me to look at the privileges that being white has afforded me. An unexpected outcome from reading Sister Sandra Makowski’s book Searching for God and Finding the Treasure was being forced to look at the privileges that being male...
by Mitch Carnell | Feb 2, 2022 | Opinion
The conversation was flowing as usual at a dinner with friends when suddenly my friend grew very angry. I did not see this outburst coming. He asked a question about the recent national election, which I responded to in a very polite manner. He accused me of a lack of...
by Mitch Carnell | Nov 23, 2021 | Opinion
Is there light, hidden deep in the story of you, that could illuminate the pathway for another person? My friend Bob received a terminal diagnosis a few years ago, accepting the news with the same gentle spirit that characterized his life. Before his death two years...
by Mitch Carnell | Aug 30, 2021 | Opinion
“Hurry up,” an agitated man in the cafeteria checkout line kept mumbling. My friend Bob, a very gentle soul, turned to him and said, “Take it easy. You’ll live longer.” I thought they were friends and that this was friendly banter. Instead, the man followed him into...