Religious Tolerance Matters for Everyone – Part 2

I traveled in early September 2016 to East Africa for a Christian mission conference. The Kenya Airway flight from Liberia took me through Freetown, Sierra Leone, and Accra, Ghana, to my final destination, Nairobi, Kenya. Upon our arrival to Freetown, several...

Religious Tolerance Matters for Everyone – Part 1

The entire community at Ricks Institute gathered in the school’s auditorium at 7:30 a.m. on Sept. 5, 2016. It was the first day of the 2016-17 academic year for the K-12 Baptist boarding school in Liberia. It was my responsibility as the principal and chief...

Short-Term Mission Trips: Are They a Waste of Time?

Much has been written charging that short-term missions are, if not a waste, at least a poor use of time and money. For the host of one such mission to Liberia, they are nothing of the sort.   An argument can be made that short-term mission trips are a waste of time...