By the Way | Southern Baptist Follies

By the Way | Southern Baptist Follies

I don’t often comment on matters related to the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). First, many people I admire know far more about the SBC than I do, so I’m inclined to defer to their wisdom, experience, and well, battle scars. Second, commenting on matters Southern...
By the Way | In Praise of Short Sermons

By the Way | In Praise of Short Sermons

Earlier this month, Pope Francis issued an advisory that homilies should be short, approximately eight minutes, “because after that time attention is lost and people fall asleep, and they are right,” he said. I couldn’t agree more. I was first introduced to the short...
By the Way | My Career as an Influencer

By the Way | My Career as an Influencer

I’ve decided to become an influencer. It’s true that I don’t exactly know what an “influencer” is or does, but a recent article in the Boston Globe says that influencers can make up to $100,000 a year by, well, influencing, I guess. And that’s not pocket change. ...