by Stephen Holmes | Dec 14, 2015 | Opinion
Donald Trump made a number of hate-filled and inaccurate comments about Muslims, and proposed some extreme policies on the back of those comments. This came to our attention in the United Kingdom because one of the things he claimed, entirely erroneously, was that...
by Stephen Holmes | Dec 8, 2015 | Opinion
Some moments of real intellectual breakthrough come when I find myself thinking something that surprises me. I am forced to analyze the surprising idea to work out why I was thinking it. Whether the concept turns out to be right, wrong or complicated, I understand...
by Stephen Holmes | Sep 7, 2015 | Opinion
My 7-year-old daughter is presently obsessed – like, watching every episode three times on BBC’s iPlayer obsessed – by a Children’s BBC show called “The Next Step.” I have grown somewhat used to children’s TV over the past 14...
by Stephen Holmes | Aug 17, 2015 | Opinion
My family spent two weeks at Le Pas Opton (LPO), a Christian holiday camp in France. We were there because I was speaking one week; I don’t suppose we would have thought to book an explicitly Christian holiday otherwise. A few days before we went, I found myself...
by Stephen Holmes | Jun 25, 2015 | Opinion
Some forms of moral reasoning in “Laudato Si” are unsurprising. A sketch of the efficiency of recycling in the food chain is deployed as a natural law argument against wasteful human living in section 22; the climate (section 23) and creation (section...