On Amy Winehouse and Breaking the Golden Rule

Some moments of real intellectual breakthrough come when I find myself thinking something that surprises me. I am forced to analyze the surprising idea to work out why I was thinking it. Whether the concept turns out to be right, wrong or complicated, I understand...

Discovering God’s Purpose in Purposelessness

My family spent two weeks at Le Pas Opton (LPO), a Christian holiday camp in France. We were there because I was speaking one week; I don’t suppose we would have thought to book an explicitly Christian holiday otherwise. A few days before we went, I found myself...

4 Ways Pope Calls Us to Reimagine Creation

Some forms of moral reasoning in “Laudato Si” are unsurprising. A sketch of the efficiency of recycling in the food chain is deployed as a natural law argument against wasteful human living in section 22; the climate (section 23) and creation (section...