An online, adult Sunday School curriculum will be published this year, resulting from a creative partnership formed by the Baptist General Association of Virginia, Baptist Center for Ethics and Trinity Baptist Church in San Antonio, Texas.
Available for the April-June 2003 quarter, the first unit of curriculum material focuses on the theme of courageous churches.
“In a borderless world of global travel, nonstop information and competing values, the numbing pace of change necessitates the bravery to take new initiatives, the fortitude to take more risks and the pluck to give more generously. Now is the time for courageous churches,” said Robert Parham, BCE’s executive director.
The 13 lessons will explore examples of biblical courage, examine the biblical marks of the church and excavate the biblical accounts of courageous churches.
The courageous churches theme is one BGAV’s newly approved Kingdom Advance initiatives.
“In order for the Kingdom of God to advance, God’s people must be courageous and unafraid to risk on behalf of the Gospel,” said John Upton, BGAV’s executive director.
Upton said, “My prayer is that all BGAV churches will use this material and through it challenge every believer to grow spiritually deeper and serve Christ more courageously.”
Charles Johnson, pastor of Trinity Baptist Church, expressed his hope that the theme of courageous churches would capture the imaginations of all Baptist churches.
“In this day of corporate greed and political cowardice, the church of Jesus must reclaim its God-given charge to raise moral leaders who will stand for personal and public righteousness,” Johnson said. “This curriculum is a resource that will enable us better to fulfill this sacred responsibility.”
Johnson said, “I strongly commend it to pastors and educators serious about training members with moral clarity.”
A free, sample lesson is now available with a list of lesson titles and writers at
The student lessons and teaching guide will be accessible on BCE’s Web site later in January.
Parham said, “We hope these lessons challenge churches to define themselves as courageous congregations and equip churches for the journey out of their comfort zones into risky territory.”