Washington, D.C. (BWA) — David Kerrigan, a member of the Baptist World Alliance Commission on Doctrine and Interchurch Cooperation, has been appointed general director of BMS World Mission, the major mission arm of Baptists in Britain.

Washington, D.C. (BWA) — David Kerrigan, a member of the Baptist World Alliance Commission on Doctrine and Interchurch Cooperation, has been appointed general director of BMS World Mission, the major mission arm of Baptists in Britain.

Kerrigan succeeds Alistair Brown, a member of the BWA General Council and Executive Committee, who is now president of Northern Baptist Theological Seminary in Chicago, Illinois, in the United States. Brown took up his present appointment at the start of the new school year in 2008.

David brings to the role an extensive knowledge of the workings of BMS, allied to his significant experience of serving overseas, said Jeff Taylor, chairman of the board of trustees of BMS World Mission. Kerrigan served as a missionary in Bangladesh between 1984 and 1988, and later became regional secretary for Asia for BMS, based in Sri Lanka, from 1995 to 1998.

At the time of his appointment as general director, Kerrigan was director for mission and deputy general director for BMS.

He also brings his experience of pastoral ministry in this count, Taylor said of Kerrigan who has held pastoral leadership in several congregations in Britain.

Taylor said that David will bring fresh insights and initiatives to the work of BMS, and that the interviewing group was unanimous in recommending to the Trustees that he be appointed to the post of General Director. The members of the board of trustees, he said, are united in their belief that David is God’s person to lead BMS forward as it continues to meet the challenge of bringing the Good News of Jesus to the world’s neediest peoples.

Kerrigan, who is a member of the BWA mission and evangelism workgroup, the membership committee, and the BWAid committee, took up his new office in January.

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