By John D. Pierce

panera1Unless a new employee has come to work, there is no need for me to verbalize my breakfast order. I’m a regular.

My arrival signals the slicing of a whole grain bagel to be passed down to the panini maker — and the presentation of a coffee cup.

Veteran employees like Angel — who lives up to her sweet name — know the orders of the many regulars.

Recently, I overheard her say to a newcomer that she didn’t yet know her particular order “by heart” each Thursday. That phrase struck me in a way I’ve not considered before.

The orders are memorized, of course — an act of the mind. But indeed Angel and others put their hearts into their work and relationships too.

That is a good reminder for us all: Much of what we do by mind and by hand can be done also by heart.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people. Colossians 3:23 (GNT)



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