More than 1,600 supporters of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) gathered in Fort Worth, Texas, this week for the organization’s annual General Assembly.
Daytime sessions on Thursday were given over mainly to the introduction of business matters, including a major organizational restructuring, to be voted on during Friday morning’s session. When Friday rolled around, everything was approved with little or no discussion.
The Thursday evening session recognized a variety of men and women who have felt called to particular tasks or minstries in which they will work in partnership with CBF. Some will do social ministries, others evangelism, others are planting churches. They will work in locations from Houston to Haiti to Uganda. And most of them, on top of their ministry-related activities, will have to raise much of their own funding.
Calling is a powerful thing. It leads people to surrender the creature comforts we typically crave for the soul comfort that comes in believing that one is doing just what God wants, and that one’s work makes the world a better place, if only in one small corner.
Here’s to a better world …