by John D. Pierce | Apr 4, 2023 | Feature, Jesus Worldview Initiative, Opinion
“I’m here to suggest that Christianity goes astray when it does not look and talk like Jesus of Nazareth.” So said the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church Michael B. Curry to an ecumenical gathering of supporters of Day1, a Protestant radio preaching ministry...
by John D. Pierce | Mar 28, 2023 | Christian Nationalism, Feature, Jesus Worldview Initiative, Opinion
In Gainesville, Georgia, where I reside, firefighters were called recently to a familiar site: their own firehouse. Hall County Station No. 5 had a Sunday morning fire in late January that required a response other than a call to breakfast. Apparently, somebody left...
by John D. Pierce | Jan 10, 2023 | Christian Nationalism, Jesus Worldview Initiative, Opinion
Pulitzer Prize winning author Jon Meacham recently said: “People don’t like being told they are wrong.” Defensiveness often accompanies being proven wrong as well. Many prefer comfortable untruth to uncomfortable truth. Since being told or proven to be wrong is not...
by John D. Pierce | Dec 6, 2022 | Christian Nationalism, Jesus Worldview Initiative, Opinion
There is much discussion, strategic thinking and alarm about the future of the church coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many U.S. church leaders and members — on the heels of this unprecedented experience for them — are lamenting a slow or absent return of...
by John D. Pierce | Nov 15, 2022 | Jesus Worldview Initiative, Opinion
There is a lot of talk today about leaving Christianity. Those who do so are sometimes labeled as “dones.” I get it. There’s much within Americanized white evangelicalism that is repelling — and leads many to rejecting the identity of the larger faith it claims to...
by John D. Pierce | Nov 1, 2022 | Jesus Worldview Initiative, Opinion
All Saints’ Day honors those now in the greater presence of God. The comfort that joins our sweet memories flows from the deeply held conviction that death does not have the final word. This life-over-death belief permeates our faith from the Easter experience to all...