More than 33 percent of all charitable giving takes place in the last three months of the year, according to a report, with 17 percent coming in December.

Another philanthropic organization estimates that 22 percent of online gifts occur in the final two days of the year.

We are thankful for our readers who have been generous in 2014. In addition to your regular donations, you responded enthusiastically to a special fundraiser in August, which raised $3,000 to pay for the editing of “Gospel Without Borders” for broadcast TV.

Help us end 2014 on a high note, poised for a strong 2015. You can give to BCE/ in the following ways:

â— Secure, online donations ranging from $10 to multiples of $50.

â— Traditional giving with checks sent to the organization’s mailing address.

“When you give to support BCE/, you help us to advance the common good. You help us to underwrite the website and to produce documentaries and other ethics video resources,” said Robert Parham, BCE’s executive director.

To learn more about BCE/, watch a five-minute profile video.

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