A feature story in today’s Chicago Tribune explored Christian wifely submissiveness, interviewing a number of women in the Chicago area about their marital relationships.

Kathy Morning, one interviewee, said submissiveness means, “my husband has the final say.”
“It’s not that one is lesser than the other, but that someone has to be in charge,” said Donna Butler, a homemaker and wife of a pastor at Armitage Baptist Church, in metropolitan Chicago.
The article also quoted those who said the Bible teaches mutual submission, not wifely submission as advocated by the Southern Baptist Convention.
BCE staff recommend that those who will teach the lesson on submitting mutually in “Real Baptists: Spotlighting the Changes in the Baptist Faith and Message” should print this article as a resource.   

 To read the article go to http://chicagotribune.com/leisure/womannews/ and click on the title “To Love, Honor and Obey.”

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