A Christian legal organization filed an amicus brief Jan. 3 with the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals supporting Alabama’s anti-immigration law.
Claiming 60,000 members with many in Alabama, the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) said in its brief that states had the fundamental right “to protect their citizens from rampant crime and other public concerns associated with illegal immigration. Depriving States the right to protect their citizens from illegal immigration threatens the safety and security of all American citizens.”

TMLC is a self-proclaimed Christian response to the American Civil Liberties Union.

“It’s clear that the DOJ (Department of Justice) is shirking its responsibility to enforce the laws against illegal immigration for political reasons. The Law Center views their refusal as action that jeopardizes our national sovereignty and security. If we can’t protect our borders and citizens from illegal immigrants, in time we will lose our country,” said Richard Thompson, TMLC president, in an organizational press release.

The TMLC says its “purpose is to be the sword and shield for people of faith, providing legal representation without charge to defend and protect Christians and their religious beliefs in the public square.”

Located in Ann Arbor, Mich., TMLC has defended controversial Florida pastor Terry Jones, who threatened to burn copies of the Quran.

It also defended the right for an anti-Islamic organization to purchase advertisements on Detroit-area public transportation buses, and it opposed the Obama health care plan.

Explaining its brief in support of Alabama’s anti-immigration law, Thompson linked undocumented immigrants with Islamic terrorists.

“We do know that many of the Muslim terrorists are using our southern border to get across,” he told OneNewsNow. “And then at the appropriate time, they will start doing damage to America.”

OneNewsNow reported that the American Center for Law & Justice, another self-styled Christian law group, had also filed a brief in favor of the Alabama law.

OneNewsNow is a “Christian news service” of the American Family Association.

Six Alabama Catholic and mainline Protestant clergy asked Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley in December to repeal the state’s anti-immigration law.

Alabama’s Catholic, Episcopal and United Methodist bishops jointly filed a lawsuit Aug. 1 last year against the state’s law, claiming the law would result in “irreparable harm” to their church members.

EthicsDaily.com released the documentary “GospelWithoutBorders” in August 2011. The documentary highlights stories about faith and immigration in five states: Arizona, Arkansas, North Carolina, Alabama and Iowa.

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