In a world filled with real threats, hostilities and hatred — who would think Rachael Ray’s Dunkin’ Donuts ad would cause a stir?
The spicy little cook’s promo was pulled by company execs after a columnist suggested the black-and-white paisley scarf she was wearing in the ad resembled a kiffiyeh, the two-tone checkered design popularized by Yasser Arafat and sometimes associated with terrorism.
Oh, please. Don’t we have enough to be concerned about?
Well, I guess one can’t be careful enough. Little Rachael could be pouring poisonous EVOO.
But I suspect she’s never made anything more explosive than her Spicy Sausage Meatloaf Patties with Italian Barbecue Sauce.
Director of the Jesus Worldview Initiative at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee and former executive editor and publisher at Good Faith Media.