- Alabama Church Under Fire for Comparing Roy Moore to Jesus (Huffington Post)
- Justices Sharply Divided in Wedding Cake Case (New York Times)
- Trump to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital, But Won’t Move Embassy Immediately (Chicago Tribune)
- Palestinian Christians in Bethlehem Burn Images of Trump (Daily Caller)
- Trump is ‘Racist’ and ‘Ungodly,’ Says Republican Pastor as He Quits Party (Newsweek)
- God’s Plan for Mike Pence (The Atlantic)
- Mike Pence and Reince Priebus Reportedly Planned a Coup to Replace Trump After the ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape (Business Insider)
- Russia Probe Tests Pence-in-the-dark Defense (CNN)
- Panelists Explore Religion’s Role in Racial Divide (Greenfield Recorder)
- Storytellers Promoted Cooperation Among Hunter-Gatherers Before Advent of Religion (Science Daily)