now offers streaming media viewing.

Video highlights of a June 25 Baptist-Jewish luncheon sponsored by the Baptist Center for Ethics and a trailer from “Immaterial John,” a documentary film by Culture Editor Cliff Vaughn, are currently available for on-line viewing.

Viewing the clips requires the current version of RealPlayer media player. Click here to download the free version of RealPlayer.

Other media clips will be added to the site from time to time.

“Streaming” multimedia allows users to begin viewing video clips stored on our Web server without first downloading the entire file. After a brief initializing or “buffering,” the video begins to play in real time.

Streaming technologies have become increasingly important with growth of the Internet, because many users lack fast-enough access to download large multimedia files quickly. With streaming, the user’s computer can start playing the video before the entire file has been transmitted.

Streaming capability represents a step forward for, which was launched in January 2002, toward a goal of becoming the premier information site for Baptists around the world, said Robert Parham, executive director of the Nashville, Tenn.,-based Baptist Center for Ethics.

The site, which is updated five days a week with news, features, movie reviews, opinion columns and features an extensive sermon library, saw a significant increase in usage in recent months. The number of “page requests,” one measure of Internet activity, more than doubled from 88,000 in January to 183,000 in April. also supports on-line ordering for Acacia Resources, the BCE’s publishing division, which produces undated curriculum and other church resources.

A sample lesson is now available for Leading Churches into 21st Century Missions: 13 Lessons in Acts. It is the seventh unit of quarterly Sunday school material produced on-line by Acacia Resources since the beginning of 2003.

Earlier units were Honoring the Ten Commandments; Walk His Way: Discipleship Lessons from Mark’s Gospel; Looking at Leadership; Doing the Will of God: Studies in Matthew; Living Wisely, Living Well: Lessons from The Proverbs; and Courageous Churches.

Formed in 1991, the BCE’s mission is to provide proactive, positive and practical ethics resources and services to congregations.

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