As the 2024 election draws near, Good Faith Media (GFM) is rebranding our “Better Way Initiative” to more fully reflect the issues we cover at the intersection of faith and politics. We are excited to introduce our newest initiative, “Faith and Democracy: Protecting Both, Compromising Neither.”

As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization committed to the traditional understanding of church-state separation, GFM does not endorse candidates or parties. While we remain faithful to the notion that the gospel of Jesus is not partisan, we also understand that the gospel is very much political.

During his ministry, Jesus stood against systemic injustices committed by faith institutions and empires. He called out religious leaders for their hypocrisy, and he undercut the tyranny of the Roman Empire. 

Jesus was a threat to religious elites and authoritarian dictators. It is no wonder they conspired to execute him for his way of love and justice.

The Faith and Democracy Initiative will follow in Jesus’ footsteps, drawing attention and awareness to injustices while simultaneously advocating for inclusion, freedom and justice. We believe faith and democracy are under attack by religious and political authoritarians who pervert the gospel and work to dismantle democracy.

Good Faith Media believes in a gospel of radical inclusion and abundant love. We seek to amplify marginalized voices and share inspiring stories championing the power of love and the importance of light.  

We will not let the world grow dark on our watch.  There is too much light in the world for that to happen.

In addition, we contend that liberal democracy is the best political system that allows religious liberty to thrive. On September 17, 1787, Elizabeth Willing Powel asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”  Franklin responded, “A republic if you can keep it.”

The American experiment of self-government remains a fragile idea that constantly needs defending. While monarchs have been replaced with dictators and democratic values with authoritarian temptations, the truth remains that our system of government is only as good as the citizens participating in it. GFM understands that if the inclusive, justice-centered gospel of Jesus is to thrive in America, the best way is for democracy to remain strong.

Therefore, we are asking for your participation and support. We need individuals and communities to stand beside us. We need people of good faith to help us in this crucial endeavor to promote an inclusive gospel and healthy democracy.  

We ask our readers, listeners and viewers to share our content. GFM staff works tirelessly to create excellent content addressing issues at the intersection of faith and culture.  

This time in the life of both the church and the country is crucial. We need everyone working together for the common good.  

We also invite you to become a Good Faith Advocate by making a one-time donation or becoming a monthly donor to partner with us in this work. If you become a monthly donor or give a one-time contribution of $50 or more, you will receive a free annual subscription to Good Faith Magazine, beginning January 2025.

Faith and democracy cannot endure if people of faith and concerned citizens do not work to preserve them. We can stand together for “Faith and Democracy: Protecting Both, Compromising Neither.” The future is bright for both faith and democracy, but we need everyone to participate for that to happen.  

Thanks for your support!

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