- Britain Approves Controversial Gene-Editing Experiments (Washington Post)
- Faith Communities Unite for Action on Climate Change (Orlando Sentinel)
- Experts: Christian Doctrine is Causing the Zika Virus Outbreak to Explode (Raw Story)
- Ted Cruz Wins Iowa with Help from Evangelical Voters (Washington Post)
- One Homeschooled Christian Family Band’s Mission to Elect Ted Cruz (PBS)
- Donald Trump Exposes the Split Between Ordinary and Elite Evangelicals (Atlantic)
- Trump Accidentally Put Money in the Communion Plate at a Church in Iowa (Washington Post)
- Mark Driscoll Unveils New Phoenix Church (Seattle Post Intelligencer)
- Evangelical University Requires Fitbit Ownership, Data Synching for Freshmen (Arstechnia)
- CBF to Vote on New Plan for Funding Global Missions (Baptist News Global)
- Arguments Set for Religious Challenge to Obamacare (Baptist News Global)