1. Poll: 4 in 10 Support Impeaching Trump (The Hill)
  2. Howard Stern: Trump is Pro-Abortion, Angry He Won; Wants to be Loved, Presidency Will be ‘Detrimental’ to His Mental Health (CNNMoney)
  3. Trump Threatens to ‘Straighten out the World’ in Chilling Speech to Religious Leaders (Mirror, UK)
  4. Trump Mocks Opponents, Talks Tough on Security at National Prayer Breakfast (New York Daily News)
  5. Trump Vows to End Prohibition on Church Political Activity (Reuters)
  6. White House Considers Order on Religious Freedom that Critics Warn Could Lead to Discrimination (Fort Worth Star-Telegram)
  7. Trump ‘Religious Freedom’ Executive Order Draft Could Curtail LGBT Rights (ABC News)
  8. Exploring the Nationalistic and Christian Right Influences on Trump (Maine Public Radio)
  9. Chuck Colson, Greg Boyd, and Shane Claiborne – How to Be a Christian Citizen: Three Evangelicals Debate (WBEZ)
  10. Trump Draft Executive Order Full of Sound and Fury on Immigration, Welfare and Deportation (Washington Post)
  11. For Victims of San Bernardino Terrorist Attack, Conflicting Views About Trump Muslim Policy in Their Name (Los Angeles Times)
  12. Will Global Citizens Stand Up to Trump Ban? (Daily Beast)
  13. On Phone Call About Refugee Resettlement Trump Lashes Out at Australian PM (The Hill)
  14. Kentucky Bill Would Require Social Studies Classes on the Bible in Schools (Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer)
  15. Virginia House OKs Bill Protecting Anti-LGBT Religious Groups (News Leader)
  16. Albany Baptist Church Relocates After Storm Damage (WALB, GA)
  17. Middle East: Peoples of the Bible: The Legend of the Amorites (Haaretz)
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