Finding a New Way Home by Russ Dean, The Key to the Proverbs by Richard L. Atkins, Catching Up with God by C. Gregory DeLoach and A Man of Peace Goes to War: A Memoir by Harold Storey are the latest releases from Nurturing Faith Books, the publishing imprint of Good Faith Media.
Dean has pastored Park Road Baptist Church with his wife, Amy, since 2000. His book, Finding a New Way Home, is a memoir of his faith journey filled with doubts, questions and rejections that has been buoyed by God’s faithfulness through it all.
Atkins is a retired project engineer from the Naval Training Systems Center in Orlando. He serves as Sunday School teacher, choir member and deacon at Church on the Drive (formerly College Park Baptist Church) of Orlando.
Taking a topical approach to engaging the Proverbs, The Key to the Proverbs takes the maxims and precepts and presents them in a way that offers rational coherence of thought. Atkins provides his own illustrations to accompany his reflections on these ancient wisdom sayings.
DeLoach serves as a development officer for Mercer University and the interim dean of the James and Carolyn McAfee School of Theology of Mercer University.
His book, Catching Up with God, places the story of Exodus within the larger gospel of God’s mission. DeLoach explains how this is both a story about a particular people in a particular time and also a story for all people.
Storey is a veteran from Rome, Georgia, who served as a captain in the United States Army during World War II and was involved in the D-Day invasion landing at Utah Beach.
Now 98, A Man of Peace Goes to War offers a compilation of stories the author carried with him for over 75 years, as well as a history of Company C in which he served, which was compiled by the author and his fellow soldiers shortly after the war.
All four books are available from GFM’s bookstore in paperback format for $18 each (with free shipping). E-books for each will be available on Amazon (Kindle) and Barnes and Noble (Nook) within a few weeks.
Reflection and resources at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens.