met its $3,000 fundraising to cover costs for getting “Gospel Without Borders” quality-ready for TV broadcast on the same week that the faith and immigration documentary aired on Soul of the South Network (SSN).
Thirty-six donors from 15 states gave in amounts ranging from $10 to $500 in response to a special Aug. 12 appeal to readers.

“We are grateful to these donors for helping advance the common good,” said Robert Parham, executive editor of “We have a lean budget and every gift counts.”

He said, “These gifts underwrote the editing of the documentary in order to meet the Soul of the South Network’s broadcast time of 47 minutes.”

Gospel Without Borders” airs at 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 22, the third of five broadcasts this week.

At the time of the appeal, SSN had 18 affiliated stations that reached more than 20 million homes.

Over the course of the week, SSN added six more stations, bringing the total to 24 stations.

While many of the stations are low-watt stations, many are located near large cities, including Atlanta, Dallas, Miami, Philadelphia and Washington. SSN programming also appears on cable channels, including Comcast and Time Warner.

For a list of stations by city, click here.

Online donations may be made here.

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