- Protests Erupt Nationwide for Second Day Over Trump’s Travel Ban (NBC News)
- Lives at Stake as World’s Airports Turn into Limbo for Many Under Trump Order (Washington Post)
- Syrian Christian Migrants, Visas in Hand, Turned Back at Airport (CNN)
- Four Federal Judges File Orders Opposing Parts of President Trump’s Travel Bans (New York Daily News)
- Senate Democrats Vow Legislation to Block Trump’s Travel Ban (Washington Post)
- Republican Senate Leader: We Don’t Have Religious Tests in This Country (Washington Post)
- Mike Pence: ‘Calls to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. are offensive and unconstitutional’ (New York Post)
- Trump Refugee Ban Clashes With Faith-Based Groups’ Religious Missions (WABE)
- Christian Leaders Denounce Donald Trump’s Plan to Favor Christian Immigrants (New York Times)
- LDS Church Issues Statement After Trump Announces Refugee Travel Ban (Gephardt Daily)
- Facing Criticism, Trump Administration Has No Regrets About Leaving Jews Out in Holocaust Statement (Washington Post)
- Anti-Abortion Rights, But Not Necessarily Pro-Donald Trump (NPR)
- Federal Judge Blocks Texas Law Regulating Fetal Tissue Burial (UPI)
- Baptist Pastors Group Chooses First Female Leader (Detroit Free Press)
- ‘You Distorted the Word of God’: Judge Rebukes Men Who Used Bible as Defense in Rape Trial (Washington Post)