1. Protests Erupt Nationwide for Second Day Over Trump’s Travel Ban (NBC News)
  2. Lives at Stake as World’s Airports Turn into Limbo for Many Under Trump Order (Washington Post)
  3. Syrian Christian Migrants, Visas in Hand, Turned Back at Airport (CNN)
  4. Four Federal Judges File Orders Opposing Parts of President Trump’s Travel Bans (New York Daily News)
  5. Senate Democrats Vow Legislation to Block Trump’s Travel Ban (Washington Post)
  6. Republican Senate Leader: We Don’t Have Religious Tests in This Country (Washington Post)
  7. Mike Pence: ‘Calls to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. are offensive and unconstitutional’ (New York Post)
  8. Trump Refugee Ban Clashes With Faith-Based Groups’ Religious Missions (WABE)
  9. Christian Leaders Denounce Donald Trump’s Plan to Favor Christian Immigrants (New York Times)
  10. LDS Church Issues Statement After Trump Announces Refugee Travel Ban (Gephardt Daily)
  11. Facing Criticism, Trump Administration Has No Regrets About Leaving Jews Out in Holocaust Statement (Washington Post)
  12. Anti-Abortion Rights, But Not Necessarily Pro-Donald Trump (NPR)
  13. Federal Judge Blocks Texas Law Regulating Fetal Tissue Burial (UPI)
  14. Baptist Pastors Group Chooses First Female Leader (Detroit Free Press)
  15. ‘You Distorted the Word of God’: Judge Rebukes Men Who Used Bible as Defense in Rape Trial (Washington Post)
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