- GA Baptists’ Brewton-Parker College Loses Accreditation, Challenges SACS Finding (Brewton Parker Press Release)
- Religious Conservatives to Judge Republicans (Huffington Post)
- Republicans: Obama Must Defend Christian Values (ABC News)
- As More Latinos Drop Religion, Should GOP Be Extra Worried? (National Public Radio)
- Texas Democrats: Republican Party Platform is ‘Disgusting’ (MSNBC)
- Presbyterians (USA) Vote to Allow Same-Sex Marriage (CNN)
- ‘March for Marriage’ Rally Reflects Steadfast Opposition to Gay Marriage Among Evangelicals (Pew Research)
- Conservative Mormons, Like Progressives, Now in Crosshairs (Salt Lake Tribune)
- ‘Heaven-Tourism’ Critics Welcome SBC Resolution (Associated Baptist Press)
- Mo. Baptist Convention Buys Land Adjacent to Conference Center it Tried to Reclaim (ABP)
- Mohler Says SBC Not Through with ‘Third Way’ Church (Associated Baptist Press)