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By the Way | But Is It ‘Biblical’?

Is it “biblical” for men to wear their hair long? (This was the 1960s, after all.) Or, is it “biblical” to listen to rock music or imbibe alcohol or enlist in the military? Is capital punishment “biblical”? We were consumed by questions like these, especially during late-night conversations in the dormitories of evangelical colleges.

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African American History Month | Who Are You, Really?

Not bracketed by American chattel slavery and this present moment, who we are, as African Americans, is not just historical but spiritual. In fact, like our ancestors, spirituality—not religion, which is cordoned off and reserved for practice on Sundays—informs all of life. Thus, what most African Americans believe is not separate and apart from other aspects of their existence.

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Pharaohs Like Us

Pharaohs are always going to Pharaoh. They can’t help themselves. They’ll create “restructuring plans” or “departments of government efficiency” from their penthouses and private jets, and it will all be under the guise of “slackers” and “lazy workers.”

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My Pronouns

Although most have referred to me as “he,” “him,” or “his,” it was not that important to me which pronouns were used for me. I really didn’t care. Oh, the utter privilege of not having to care about an issue that does not affect me.

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