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By the Way | But Is It ‘Biblical’?
Is it “biblical” for men to wear their hair long? (This was the 1960s, after all.) Or, is it “biblical” to listen to rock music or imbibe alcohol or enlist in the military? Is capital punishment “biblical”? We were consumed by questions like these, especially during late-night conversations in the dormitories of evangelical colleges.
Pew Study Finds Rate of Religious Nationalists in U.S. Relatively Low
Among countries where Christianity is the prominent religion, Kenya, at 32%, is the only country with more than a quarter of its residents who are considered “Christian nationalists” under Pew’s definition. At 6%, the U.S. is tied with Chile for 12th.
Healing the Trauma Inflicted by “Colorblindness”
Diversity is what makes communities vibrant and dynamic. It is the foundation of the kin-dom of God that Jesus preached—a world where all are valued, where equity and inclusion are not just ideals but lived realities.
African American History Month | Who Are You, Really?
Not bracketed by American chattel slavery and this present moment, who we are, as African Americans, is not just historical but spiritual. In fact, like our ancestors, spirituality—not religion, which is cordoned off and reserved for practice on Sundays—informs all of life. Thus, what most African Americans believe is not separate and apart from other aspects of their existence.
Resisting Trump’s Agenda by Tending to Your ”Soul Nerve”
Finding focus helps. In our individual calls to connect our voices, skillsets, and passions with the world’s greatest needs, clarity will move us forward in bending the arc of history toward justice. But individually, we cannot fight every battle. There are far too many to choose from. The key is choosing which battles are yours.
Notes on Neurodivergence | Moving Toward a Calm Gentleness
Growing is challenging and probably one of the most difficult things I have done. Sometimes it’s miserable, sometimes fantastic. Still, I believe anyone can grow. But growth isn’t a tree sprouting upwards. It’s getting deep in the mud, pulling up the roots one-by-one. I rarely appreciate it in the moment.
Being the Church In the Midst of Chaos and Confusion
We all were once strangers to the love, truth and promises of God. However, by grace, we have been brought near to the Father. Therefore, we should embrace a posture of humility as we walk with God, loving the things God loves and resisting evil in the world.
Colonialism is Back: The Reemergence of Manifest Destiny
The world no longer has to accept the whims of madmen. The world can reject the new colonialism. The true power for a better world lies within the people, a power more significant than any political bullies exerting their evil upon the rest of us.
The Call for a Radical Black Christian Church: Becoming a Fortress of Liberation
African theology teaches us that God is both transcendent and imminent, that the divine is in relationship with creation and is deeply woven into the fabric of our lives. African spirituality reminds us that God is not a distant, punitive ruler but an ever-present force that calls us into community and liberation.
Pharaohs Like Us
Pharaohs are always going to Pharaoh. They can’t help themselves. They’ll create “restructuring plans” or “departments of government efficiency” from their penthouses and private jets, and it will all be under the guise of “slackers” and “lazy workers.”
Dialup Ghost: “I’ll Go to Hell to Do the Right Thing”
Dialup Ghost’s new record, “May You Live Forever in Cowboy Heaven,” showcases their love of indie rock balladry, the slacker rock heroes of the 90s, and the many other artists they namecheck directly in their lyrics and on the inside cover of their CD.
People of Good Faith | Dakota Felton
Dakota Felton is a Junior Management major at the University of Kentucky. He is a Spring 2025 Ernest C. Hynds intern at Good Faith Media.
My Pronouns
Although most have referred to me as “he,” “him,” or “his,” it was not that important to me which pronouns were used for me. I really didn’t care. Oh, the utter privilege of not having to care about an issue that does not affect me.
Rejecting Mercy: Why I No Longer Understand American Evangelicals
I am not concerned about President Trump’s response to the word “mercy.” I don’t expect him to know any better. But as for Franklin Graham and the like, this is a damning historical moment.
Painting a Target on the Back of Jesus
When our rogue president painted a target on my friend and her family, he painted a target on Jesus. That’s what Jesus himself said. I’m just quoting Jesus.
Bishop Budde and the Hypocrisy of Religious Freedom
Rachel Laser, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, Alliance Defending Freedom, First Liberty Institute, Church-State Separation, First Amendment, Mariann Budde, Donald Trump