1. 180 Exposed to Coronavirus at Church Service (CNN)
  2. ‘God Will Protect Me.’ Here’s How Religious Americans View the Coronavirus Pandemic (Charlotte Observer)
  3. Followed by White Evangelical Christians, Trump is Staking Out His Own Universe of ‘Alternative Facts’ (New York Times)
  4. To Many Evangelical Christians Fall for Conspiracy Theories Online, and Gullibility is Not a Virtue (Dallas Morning News)
  5. Lawmaker Claims Hitler Was Not White Supremacist After Comparing Coronavirus Measures to Nazi Rules (Washington Post)
  6. How a Plague Exposed the ‘Christian Nation’ Myth (Patheos)
  7. Evangelicals Drive Religious Liberty Battle Over Pandemic Shutdowns (Washington Examiner)
  8. Distorting Religious Freedom Will Put People in Danger (CNN)
  9. Al Mohler, Southern Baptist Leader, Says He Was ‘Stupid’ to Defend Slavery in 1998 CNN Interview (RNS)
  10. Dallas Baptist University Holds Drive-Thru Graduation Ceremony (Fox4 KDFW)
  11. Trump Promised Catholic Leaders He Would Help Their Schools. Here are Two Christians Who Don’t Want Him To. (Washington Post)
  12. DeVos Funnels Coronavirus Relief Funds to Favored Private and Religious Schools (New York Times)
  13. Europe: A Temple That Predates Stonehenge Reveals Architectural Planning May Be Older Than We Think (CNN)
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