Vacation season is here and Americans’ vacation plans for this year are consistent with the past several years, according to a recent Gallup poll.

More than half of adult Americans (55 percent) plan on vacationing this summer and the average number of vacation days planned is 11.

Most people (51 percent) will be taking their vacations in July, with August being the second most likely month to vacation (35 percent).

The Gallup poll found that vacation plans and lengths depended upon income, age and employment. Not surprisingly, “vacationing is much more prevalent among employed Americans than among those who are retired, homemakers, or otherwise not working (65% vs. 40%),” according to the poll.

Also, a vast majority of high-income households plan to vacation, compared to only half of middle-income households. The poll reported that barely one-third of those earning below $20,000 would be vacationing this summer.

The poll also found that most Americans planned on staying within the United States for their vacations. So which states would they like to visit and which would they avoid?

Hawaii, Florida, California and Alaska topped the list for states Americans would like to visit the most.

Even with an extra push to get people to New York to bolster the state’s economy, it is the state Americans would least like to visit.

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