- Faith Leaders Raise Their Voices in Opposing Rights of Christian Baker in Supreme Court Case (Deseret News)
- Christian Writer Banned from Liberty University After Criticizing Trump Ally (National Public Radio)
- Trump Cabinet Spiritual Adviser Shares His Views, and Some Find Them Spooky (Newsweek)
- Scott Pruitt is Using the Bible as His Guide for Reorganizing EPA’s Science Boards (Mother Jones)
- John Kelly Calls Robert E. Lee an ‘Honorable Man’ and Says ‘Lack of Compromise’ Caused the Civil War (Washington Post)
- Historians Say John Kelly Has the Civil War Wrong (CNN)
- Martin Luther Might Not Have Nailed His 95 Theses to the Church Door (History.Com)
- Is Reformation Theology for Black People? (RNS)
- How the Reformation (and a Baptist) Changed MLK’s Name (Word & Way)
- Evangelical Hell Houses are Walking Nightmares (Vice)