- Bipartisan Christian Group Forms Super PAC to Oppose Trump (Associated Press)
- White Christians Continue to Favor Trump Over Biden, But Support Has Slipped (Pew Research)
- White Evangelicals Hope to Keep Changing Texas Red for Trump (Associated Press)
- Women of Faith Emerge as Voices in the Amy Coney Barrett Protests – Both for and Against Her (Washington Post)
GOP Senators Spoke at Length About Religion the First Day of Barrett’s Hearing (KMOV4) - Facebook Will Ban Holocaust Denial Posts Under Hate Speech Policy (CNN)
- White Evangelical Leaders Like Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell Sr. Long Talked of Conspiracy Theories Against God’s Chosen: Those Ideas are Finding Resonance Today (The Conversation)
- Armed White Supremacist Groups Say They Will Show Up at Polling Places on Election Day (Business Insider)
- William Barber: 100 Million Eligible Voters Did Not Participate in 2016 General Election (BNG)
- Texas Teenager Expelled from Christian School Over His Sexual Orientation (WKBN)
- Venture Funders Flock to Religious Apps as Churches Go Online (Bloomberg)