1. Christians ‘Stand with Israel’ (Washington Post)
  2. Seattle Church Protests Opening of Pot Store Next Door (Komo News)
  3. Supreme Court Lets Stand State Rulings Allowing Same-Sex Marriage (Washington Post)
  4. Did the Supreme Court Just Legalize Gay Marriage? (National Public Radio)
  5. ‘Courts Have Spoken,’ on Gay Marriage, Says Mormon Church (Salt Lake Tribune)
  6. Preachers: Read Fiction to Learn Human Condition, Not for Sermon Fodder (ABP)
  7. Circle of Life: Denominational Innovation May be Wave of Future (Associated Baptist Press)
  8. BWA Touts Ebola-Free South Africa Ahead of 2015 Congress (Associated Baptist Press)
  9. Congressman Urges Churches to Put Human Face on Poverty, Hunger (Baptist Standard)
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