Do You Really Know Jesus? – By Maralene and Miles Wesner

We’ve spent months digging through red-letter editions of the Gospels, seeking out every clue and analyzing every incident that gives us information about Jesus as a person. It was a fascinating, eye-opening experience.

We found that many ideas people have about Jesus are just stereotypes and not based on the scriptures. He wasn’t merely a religious icon. He certainly wasn’t a pious fanatic. Instead, he was an interesting and vital individual. He expressed strong feelings of impatience, anger, and depression, as well as joy, sympathy, and love. He was a logical thinker. His teachings and stories emphasized concern for others and hatred for hypocrisy and greed. He was a man with a lot of common sense and humor.

In order to really know Jesus, we must develop an understanding of his human personality. We must come to know him as a friend as well as a savior. Unfortunately, very little research of this nature is available, and very few churches deal with these issues, but that’s our theme! It’s different, and we promise readers will make surprising discoveries and acquire new outlooks.

Understanding the meaning of his activities and achievements will help us know him better and become more like him.

Maralene and Miles Wesner

Maralene and Miles Wesner

Multi-talented teachers and prolific writers, the Wesners are known for their no-nonsense style, their clear illustrations, and their willingness to face controversial issues. From the dual perspectives of both academic and religious professions, they seek to be a bridge between the spiritual and the intellectual worlds.









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