I Promise. Rejoice! – By Carol Boseman Taylor
This book seems to me to be more of a “life guide” than a devotional guide, but I will let you decide if it is so for you. The reason for calling this book a life guide is because its words are words of discipline, of teaching, of guidance, of comfort, of communion, of admonishment, and of love. Each time I read the daily offering, I am struck anew with how blessed I am to have received these words. The readings are true to the message of God’s word.
I have journaled for most of my adult life, first writing down prayers in anticipation of seeing God’s answers and later simply sitting in God's presence and writing what came as I prayed. It is from this latter exercise that the readings in I Promise. Rejoice! have come. I have been following God’s leading for as long as I can remember. With God's love and encouragement, and that of my husband and daughters, I humbly offer this book. It is my deepest hope that it will be as meaningful to others as the writing of it has been to me.
An e-book is available on Amazon (Kindle) and Barnes & Noble (Nook).
Carol Boseman Taylor
Born in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, on a dairy and tobacco farm, Taylor learned to meet God in all that surrounded here. She grew up on that farm, was educated at UNC-G in Greensboro and took graduate classes at East Carolina University. Taylor married my childhood sweetheart, Charles E. Taylor, Jr. (also a Nurturing Faith author), and they have three beautiful daughters and five amazing grandchildren. Learn more about Taylor on her author page.